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To get started, click on the 3D Builder button or image. The 3D builder will open in a new tab and you can start to design your own customized building. Make sure to save your design, when finished so we can provide the best customer service to you. See more 3D Builder instructions below.

3D builder
3D Designer and price Estimate
  • Customized and Customizable: Pick from our stock or get it built to your specifications.
  • Doors and Windows: Select the door style and windows to suit your taste.
  • Length and Style: Fit perfectly in your yard.
  • Paint Colors: We offer a range of paint colors.
  • Roof Options: Architectural shingles or a metal roof.
  • Finish Options: Treated (pressure-treated wood), Painted, and the Wilderness™ Finish (polyurethane treated.)

Our construction team builds with quality craftsmanship so you can rest assured knowing your portable building will protect your valuables for years.

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sheds. barns, utility, garage and more